Wednesday 16 October 2024

Young men are resenting being resented


"Young men seem to be motivated, not so much by a specific issue, but by their resentment of the current culture. If true, the upcoming elections will express the 'Breitbart Doctrine,' named after the late conservative journalist Andrew Breitbart. This doctrine states 'politics is downstream from culture.' To change the politics of a society, you must change its culture because politics originates from culture which, in turn, originates from the values of individuals who constitute society. Simply stated, if a person’s values and culture are transformed, his politics transforms accordingly.
    "The culture surrounding young men is dramatically different from that of their fathers, and the change has not been kind. The Brookings Institute notes, 'Young men increasingly feel as though they have been experiencing discrimination.' For decades now, prominent voices of political correctness, which is now called social justice, have blamed men as a gender class for a long slate of social wrongs. And, for young men, the past few decades constitute all of their lives. This means they have heard about their collective guilt since birth, and it would be natural for them to feel resentful for being castigated as a class for social wrongs. Such young men are reportedly turning to Donald Trump as a symbol of more traditional and proud manhood. ... [!]"
   "Women need healthy and well-adjusted men to be life partners, loving family members, friends, good neighbours, co-workers, and the peaceful strangers you pass on the street. The last thing women need is to live beside a generation of resentful men who act on their resentment, especially if the feeling is justified."


  1. That's largely true, and good to see you've come on board to recognise it, I'd suggest a few years after I did. BUT! - there's no benefit to young men in relying on women to identify it (as is happening here), and hoping that society will change in return. Nor is there anything to gain and much to lose by adopting a victim mindset. Best thing for young men is to recognise the reality that the rules of the game have changed from what we grew up with, and play the game accordingly - focusing on their own interests and realising it doesn't always align with what women expect these days. If they do that, they'll still win.

  2. Oh and BTW (since I had no interest in dealing with Tracinski's paranoid hysterics)...
    Such young men are reportedly turning to Donald Trump as a symbol of more traditional and proud manhood..

    No. young men are turning in that direction because they see nowhere else to turn and because they want to burn what they see as the elites to the ground. As political commentator Clive Crook noted in 2016, even as a he revealed something most of his long-time readers never guessed in his article Donald Trump, Class Warrior:

    I’m a British immigrant, and grew up in a northern English working-class town. Taking my regional accent to Oxford University and then the British civil service, I learned a certain amount about my own class consciousness and other people’s snobbery. But in London or Oxford from the 1970s onwards I never witnessed the naked disdain for the working class that much of America’s metropolitan elite finds permissible in 2016.

    Or you could read my post from 2020, Kansas Can Go Fuck Itself

  3. @Tom - If they're turning to Trump as their salvation they are truly up shit creek without a paddle, and making the mistake I'm describing.

    1. They may vote for him but they're not regarding him as a "salvation": that's just the same put-down shite that PC's article describes and it, as much as practical things, is a driver here.

      Trump is just a symptom of a much larger movement that's been gathering steam since the Tea Party days of 2009-10 but covers much broader areas than just economics.

    2. Fair enough. I can see why on a superficial level, when you don't know all the detail that Tracinski outlines, why Trump would seem the better choice for young men. Trump doesn't apologise for who his is, and that generally is a healthy mindset for young men to adopt too. Psychologically I understand it.
      Unfortunately though Trump has no substance to him and/or is more dangerous in other ways.


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