Friday 11 October 2024

"...owning oneself."

"No price is too high to pay for the privilege of owning oneself."
~ Friedrich Nietzsche. (Translation by Stephen Hicks, pictured here with the quotation on the wall at Universidad de la Libertad in Mexico, where he delivered five lectures on philosophy of economics: Property, Trade, Money, the Enlightenment, & Entrepreneurism)


1 comment:

  1. A similar theme I've heard, albeit more coarsely expressed is that our financial goals should consist of having 'fuck you money'. In other words enough money to stand on principle, remain true to yourself, and tell an individual or organisation to go fuck themselves without facing serious lifestyle consequences. This is far more important to our happiness and wellbeing than piling up luxury items. Someone like John Key should have this, but instead spends his money on things worth far less.


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