Friday 27 September 2024

Milei to the U.N.: "In this very house, that claims to defend human rights, they have allowed the entry of bloody dictatorships without the slightest reproach."

“I want to be clear about something, so there are no misinterpretations. Argentina, which is undergoing a profound process of change at the present, has decided to embrace the ideas of freedom.
    "Those ideas that say that all citizens are born free and equal before the law, that we have inalienable rights granted by the creator, among which are the right to life, liberty and property. ...“Argentina will not support any policy that implies the restriction of individual freedoms, of commerce, nor the violation of the natural rights of individuals. ...
"We are at the end of a cycle. The collectivism and moral posturing of the woke agenda have collided with reality and no longer have credible solutions to offer to the actual problems of the world. ...

"In this very house, that claims to defend human rights, they have allowed the entry of bloody dictatorships, like those of Cuba and Venezuela, without the slightest reproach. 
    "In this very house, that claims to defend the rights of women, it allows countries that punish their women for showing skin, to enter the committee for the elimination of discrimination against women. 
    "In this very house, there has been systematic voting against the state of Israel, which is the only country in the Middle East that defends liberal democracy, while simultaneously demonstrating a total inability to respond to the scourge of terrorism. ...

“World history shows that the only way to guarantee prosperity is by limiting the power of the monarch, guaranteeing equality before the law, and defending the right to life, liberty, and property of individuals.
    “We believe in the defence of life, for all. 
    "We believe in the defence of property, for all. 
    "We believe in freedom of expression, for all. 
    "We believe in freedom of worship, for all. 
    "We believe in freedom of commerce, for all. 
    "And we believe in limited governments, all of them. ... 

“The doctrine of the new Argentina is nothing more nor less than the true essence of the UN: The cooperation of nations in defence of freedom....
    "Long live freedom, godammit!"
~ Javier Milei speaking to the U.N. 


1 comment:

  1. I think we may have found ourselves a hero.


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