Tuesday 16 January 2007

The Real Dream of Martin Luther King Day

[Reposted from Not PC, 20/01/06] What's the message of Martin Luther King Day, celebrated today in the U.S.? It's a message that should resonate just as loudly here in New Zealand too. Edwin Locke reminds us of 'The Dream':
What should we remember on Martin Luther King Day? In his "I Have a Dream" speech Dr. King said: "I have a dream that my four children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character"...

On Martin Luther King Day--and every day--we should focus on the proper antidote to racism and the proper alternative to racial thinking: individualism. We need to teach our children and all our citizens to look beyond the superficialities of skin color and to judge people on what really matters, namely, "the content of their character."
Character is all. Skin colour is just something you're born with. Recognition of that fact is what King called his Dream.

How about making that Dream a reality here in Enzed?

LINKS: What We Should Remember on Martin Luther King Day: Judge People by Their Character, Not Skin Color - Edwin Locke, Capitalism Magazine
"I Have a Dream" - Martin Luther King, LearnOutLoud [audio]



  1. Edwin Locke commented about King ...
    ["I Have a Dream"]

    I love that ABBA song "I Have a Dream".

  2. After the way Brash got done over for saying the same thing who would bother?

  3. It's a curious thing...you'd think the anti-dote to rascism would be to try and be colour blind

    - yet it seems - particularly amongst the PC brigade and the left - that the anti-dote to rascism is to place a huge emphasis on race and to be absolutely obsessed with it.


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