Wednesday 3 January 2007

A Happy (bit damn cold) New Year

I trust you're all having a happy and relaxing holiday, even if a much colder one than you were hoping for -- that's right, if you were thinking it's been bloody cold down onthe beach where you are, then you're right.
New Zealand has had the lowest December temperatures in more than 50 years... MetService figures show the average December temperature in the five main centres has been 2 to 3 degrees lower than usual.
Just when you were hoping for some of that global warming to make your summer better ...

LINKS: Cold, wet December for most - TVNZ

RELATED: Global Warming, New Zealand


  1. I trust you're all having a happy and relaxing holiday

    Well on Christmas day I changed my attitude a lot thanks to a lesson I learned. It is a lesson I learned thanks to finally getting around to reading Ayn Rand's The Fountainhead. I am much happier since then. And I am working harder on my first book, currently named Freedom, than ever before. I have completed 7 chapters now and yesterday alone saw me complete 2 chapters and start on another. At this rate my first draft for the completed manuscript will be done in 2-3 months time.

    New Zealand has had the lowest December temperatures in more than 50 years... MetService figures show the average December temperature in the five main centres has been 2 to 3 degrees lower than usual.

    I assume you heard on the news the idiots saying global warming could be to blame for our cooler temperatures. Correct me if I am wrong here but I thought heat and cold were opposites, making GW being a cause of colder temperatures a contradiction and therefore not reality.

  2. Kane, are you being facetious or fallacious? "... the idiots saying global warming could be to blame for our cooler temperatures." These alleged idiots have, at least, grasped the none-too-subtle distinction between global and local. Have you?

  3. These alleged idiots have, at least, grasped the none-too-subtle distinction between global and local. Have you?

    I have. Have you? Global is the whole world. Local is one place. For warming to be global everywhere has to be heating.

  4. And still 60% of Kiwis believe in global warming.

  5. richard, you mean global warming means it can get warmer and it can get colder?

    How convenient.

  6. Southern California is colder, which proves that blueberries cause high IQs. Happy New Year, PC!

  7. and the day I leave both Napier and Auckland have weather I haven't seen except for 1 day in Napier when I arrived...

    nice to have two winters :/

  8. Oh Christ. It's worse than I thought.

    Global is the whole world. Yes.

    Local is one place. Yes.

    For warming to be global everywhere has to be heating. No.

    For warming to be global, the average temperature of the globe (that's a technical term for the "whole world", Kane) has to increase. The global average temperature can increase at the same time as the local temperature decreases. In fact, scientific measurements confirm that this happens quite often during the winter, and at night-time.

  9. "These alleged idiots have, at least, grasped the none-too-subtle distinction between global and local. Have you?"
    Hmmm..despite reports from all over the world of lower-than-normal temperatures, somewhere, somehow global warming is occurring.
    Faith is a wonderful thing. (but temperature measurement taken from a realistically distributed sampling grid would be even more wonderful)
    Happy New Year, NPC!

  10. And still 60% of Kiwis believe in global warming.

    A Herald digipoll (like I'd trust them, not!) says nearly 80% believe in it.

    For warming to be global, the average temperature of the globe has to increase.

    If they mean "the world is heating up" as they appear to then they are misusing the world global if average is the decider. If they mean "the mean temperature of the world" then they are using it correctly.

    The global average temperature can increase at the same time as the local temperature decreases.

    Yes, I know, but when I say "global warming" I mean "the whole world is warming" in a literal sense. "The average temperature of the whole world is warming" is not literal.

    In fact, scientific measurements confirm that this happens quite often during the winter, and at night-time.

    You don't need scientific measurements for that. You only need to pay attention to what your body tells you. Your body can't lie. Only the mind can.

    Richard, I suggest you read a few posts on GW on my blog and another one I am writing with many good links about GW. I suggest you read the content of the pages I link to in that latter one. In them I saw several huge spanners thrown in the works of anthropogenic GW.

    Hmmm..despite reports from all over the world of lower-than-normal temperatures, somewhere, somehow global warming is occurring.

    It does seem odd and contradictory doesn't it, KG?

    Faith is a wonderful thing. (but temperature measurement taken from a realistically distributed sampling grid would be even more wonderful)

    I don't agree with the first sentence (unless it is sarcasm) but I agree with the second.

    KG, I done a few good posts on GW today and am doing a link one if you want to read them. Note: one of the links is one you supplied in a comment on my blog.

  11. "I don't agree with the first sentence (unless it is sarcasm) but I agree with the second."
    Faith? It surely IS a wonderful thing. You may not approve of religous faith, but that's just one kind.
    I have unlimited faith in my partner. Faith that science will find answers to almost evrything that ails humans. And so on. We demonstrate faith every time we make an electronic money transfer, faith based on mutually beneficial outcomes.
    Faith ain't a problem. :-)

  12. And still 60% of Kiwis believe in global warming.

    Berend, you believe in ID don't you?

  13. I didn't find it too cold. In fact we did the traditional (bloat) float down the river on Xmas Day. The river wasn't exactly warm, but it wasn't cold enough to stop us either. Shooting the rapids on a chair shaped lilo can be just as exhilarating as any extreme sport.

    The west coast surf was excellent and with a wet suit I was still comfortable in the water for at least an hour and a half.

    The sea wasn't so bad, the swells were big but the water wasn't too choppy & messy. I managed to catch an 8lb Snapper, which just rocked my day and we ended up with a full bin of fish.

    Went spearing flounder in the evening and the water was warm and we were certainly not cold in the slightest.

    I can't honestly say that I froze at all over the xmas break, although I did put a sweater on, at least 2 or 3 occasions.

  14. "Berend, you believe in ID don't you?"

    Intrauterine Device???

    Hey PC, we got something in common now - we've both been delinked!


  15. The fact remains that 'anti-environment' is a religion just as much as global warming.

    My brother - a highly regarded author, scientist and capitalist - says global warming is a natural phenomenon which is being distorted by man. This is the opinion of 90% of the rational scientific community - and it is hardly radical. He was also highly opposed to Mr Cresswell's idea of eliminating predator animals such as crocodiles 18 months ago because they were of no use to man - telling me that thinking such as his has led us to the anthropological mess we are in today.

    The Right is out to destroy science by religion - and that religion is not just Christianity.

  16. "The Right is out to destroy science by religion - and that religion is not just Christianity."

    source: The Onion. (Or was it Scrappleface?)

  17. Global Warming is not an easy thing to quantify.
    Sticking thermometers in a grid all over land surfaces and taking readings at equally spaced time intervals. Wont tell you much. If that is the only evidence you would accept.
    The earth exists inside the cosy cocoon of its atmosphere. Which gets thicker or thinner for any number of reasons, Excess CO2 is one. So this cocoon traps heat from the sun and depending on its thickness lets heat escape or traps it, so making the earths cocoon warmer or colder.
    This "heat" is then somewhat subject to the weather patterns on the surface of the planet. So looking out the window expecting warmer weather but getting colder weather is not a good indicator of much except deciding what to do that day.
    I expect we'll all know for sure one way or another some time in the future if human activity is a driving factor in the present global warming cycle, but it may be too late to do anything about it.
    Humanity isnt renowned for its foresight contrary to what we like to think.
    And capitalism has its flaws and they are deep.


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