Friday 22 December 2006

Prohibition: Learning from history

As always, The Onion makes learning from history easy by making the lesson itself so blindingly obvious.
The Onion - 18th Amendment

Obvious enough that even Jacqui Dean and Jim Neanderton might get it, do you think? The message:

Never has.

RELATED: Victimless Crimes, Politics-NZ


  1. PC said...
    [As always, The Onion makes learning from history...]

    What is the date shown on that 'Onion' newspaper?

    It looks like the same newspaper that appeared in the movie 'Good Fellas' starring Robert DeNiro, when he pointed out to Ray Leota in one of the scences about the front-page title: "Mob to take over $500 million Liquor Industry", as more like to congratulate him on the (in his DeNiro's character's mind) good work that they do.

  2. Not quite true that is 'never has' worked.

    After the repeal of prohibition, alcoholism increased dramatically. Family violence increased dramatically. And the medical costs associated with treating such things also increased dramatically.

    Look at any newspaper to see the results of someone’s *harmless and victimless* recreational drug use.

  3. Family violence increased dramatically.

    If that is true, which I doubt, then punish people for rights violations. Don't ban the substance. The substance isn't to blame. The irrationality and lack of morals of the substance taker is.

  4. Your response is typical of the Right. Ask the Police about the role alcohol plays in domestic violence. Ask the Police about the role P plays in crime.

    You people are just disgusting.

    We have youth - especially male adolescents- crying out - absolutely crying out - for good male role models.

    We women can only do so much - boys need to move into the world of men, and need to be shown what it takes to be man by other men.

    Instead we have people like the males here who say "Drugs are good", "Alcohol is good".

    You all disgust me. Especially at Christmas.

  5. Oh and I got a mailer from the Free Radical the other day with contents - including content from GP Richard Goode saying "narcotic drugs are good".

    We intend to buy the digital version, and if his opinion is as is the promo suggests, be assured that the Medical Council will hear about it.

  6. Hey, a new subscriber! Excellent!


  7. Your response is typical of the Right.

    Actually people like myself and Peter are neither right wing, nor left wing, nor center. Using the diamond system of the World's Smallest Political Quiz we are North.

    Ask the Police about the role alcohol plays in domestic violence. Ask the Police about the role P plays in crime

    The ultimate cause is the irrationality of the person that takes these substances. Most people that take them do not commit crimes.

    You people are just disgusting.

    No, you are for being willing to trample on individual rights.

    Instead we have people like the males here who say "Drugs are good", "Alcohol is good".

    Actually, our message about prohibition is that RIGHTS are good.


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PS: Have the honesty and courage to use your real name. That gives added weight to any opinion.