Tuesday 5 December 2006

Hung like a horse

SYDNEY MORNING HERALD: A NSW North Coast woman has been charged with bestiality and offensive conduct after allegedly being involved in an indecent act with a horse. Police said they found the naked woman with the horse when they were called to a paddock in Wilson Street, Lismore...

Just think how inadequate her next (human) partner is going to feel!

LINKS: Woman in indecent act with horse - Sydney Morning Herald

RELATED: Sex, Humour


  1. Whose horse was it? If it was hers or she had the owner's permission, it's an outrageous infringement upon her rights.

    (but if I blog about it, I'll get all sorts of freaks finding it on google)

  2. Ah yes, as always Scott gets straight to the heart of the issue: "Whose horse was it?"


  3. Hi Maria here, stupid password not working, but I couldn't leave libertyscott's blog without a say. Whose horse it is is not relevant, I bet at no point did that horse every say yes, it is an outrageous infringement on the rights of the horse. Not to mention what other things that weirdo freak could get up to with varying other animals. The women must be nuts, straight to the lunie bin for her I say.

  4. The horse can't say yes or no, in fact they never do during sex. In fact it is extremely presumptious to assume the horse didn't like it, horses don't usually hang around when being mistreated.

    What rights does the horse have? To never be killed? To not be ridden? To not be held captive? To not be forced to wear a saddle? ohh sorry, to not have its dick touched by a naked woman (but presumably ok if it is to breed).

    Speaking of rights, so nice that someone you think is a weirdo freak should be locked up in the lunie bin (sic). This is what mainstream NZ thought of homosexuals 30 years ago too.

  5. Yes and damnit, I couldn't resist blogging about this. It is the best example of laws to protect people from being offended or doing things that disgust most people, but which actually harm no one.

  6. Whose horse was it? If it was hers or she had the owner's permission, it's an outrageous infringement upon her rights.

    yes, I agree. As much as the act disgusts me, invading her rights like that disgusts me more.

    The horse can't say yes or no, in fact they never do during sex. In fact it is extremely presumptious to assume the horse didn't like it, horses don't usually hang around when being mistreated.

    Yep. In fact they attack you when go to far. So if it didn't like it it'd stop you. it is more than capable.

    What rights does the horse have?

    None, of course as I am sure was your point.

    It is the best example of laws to protect people from being offended or doing things that disgust most people, but which actually harm no one.

    Yep. Our victimless crimes need to be legalised damn it! Hey, can we havea coo like in Fiji? ;-)

  7. Bugger. I'm sure I just saw Mr Ed in the paddock next door giving me the eye ...

  8. Careful now, Sus - remember that Mr Ed talks.

  9. I think the woman was just riding naked on the horse (saddle) and not the other way round. Commonsense tells us that the horse is too big for a female human. Whoever that cop who first arrived at the scene to arrest her immediately upgraded the charge from being nudity in public to bestiality.

  10. Falafulu, she can fit in her mouth or hand. Or rub it on the area, even if she can't get it in.

  11. Kane, you have been thinking about this too much. Simmer, petal, you're getting me worried with your in-depth analyses of what may or may not have transpired.

    As for 'animal rights,' I, like PC, am a vegetarian. My vegetarian-ness stems from a belief that I can lead my life without undue cruelty. I've never brow-beaten anyone about the evils of carnivorousness, or the plight of the fluffy veal calf - but I can't countenance a world-view whereby animals have no rights other than what their human owners see fit to grant them.

    In the case of sexual behaviour with animals, it's all very well for individuals such as Kane Bunce to (somewhat disturbingly) play up the lascivious aspects of a woman getting intimate with a horse, but when one realises that the same moral equivalence can be applied to a sad fat bloke buggering a horse in the dead of night, it just doesn't seem as benign.

    The idea that the causing of pain and suffering in other animals is fine as animal rights have no 'intrinsic value' might parse fine through the libertarian 'rationalist' doctrines, but in real life it just seems a bit cold.


  12. Hi there maria again,

    Definetly agree with denmt,

    Kane you are a pig, and may another animal molest you in the dead of night

  13. Ok yes well perhaps Kane is thinking about too much about the particulars there :-O....

    As for 'animal rights,' I, like PC, am a vegetarian. My vegetarian-ness stems from a belief that I can lead my life without undue cruelty. I've never brow-beaten anyone about the evils of carnivorousness, or the plight of the fluffy veal calf - but I can't countenance a world-view whereby animals have no rights other than what their human owners see fit to grant them.

    Clearly you do not understand that rights is something that applies to rational beings with a violitional consciousness (yes I know I cannot spell tonight). Do horses fight into this category? I think not. Does a horse have the right to not be killed and eaten? Nope it does not.

    However I do believe that that one should not pointlessy torture animals, this is futile and indicative of a disturbed mind. However I am sure if there was any sexual conduct (and it was not just naked horseback riding as Falufulu Fisi believes) that the horse would have stopped this going on, it is pretty hard to force a horse to engage in such acts...

    In the case of sexual behaviour with animals, it's all very well for individuals such as Kane Bunce to (somewhat disturbingly) play up the lascivious aspects of a woman getting intimate with a horse, but when one realises that the same moral equivalence can be applied to a sad fat bloke buggering a horse in the dead of night, it just doesn't seem as benign.

    The idea that the causing of pain and suffering in other animals is fine as animal rights have no 'intrinsic value' might parse fine through the libertarian 'rationalist' doctrines, but in real life it just seems a bit cold.

  14. PC, You may feel inadequate if you were her next partner, but please do not presume to speak for all males. :)


  15. Dwayne, you're going to have to argue a bit harder than that if you are going to convince me that it is fine to do whatever you like to animals, them being 'devoid of rights' and all.

    A good start would be explaining what 'volitional consciousness' might be when it's at home, and how not possessing it is carte-blanche for torture.


  16. It's surely (if in private) purely between the woman and the horse. Provided that no cruelty is involved, I just can't see that it's anyone else's business.
    A feeling of revulsion or disgust is no basis for locking people up.

  17. Really I do not really care to spend too much time trying to convince you , I have seen enough of your nonsense on various blogs that I no longer care that much.

    However I will provide a definition of a "rights". To quote Ayn Rand a right is:
    "A moral principle sanctioning defining and sanctioning a mans freedom of action in a social context"
    By freedom we mean freedom of action - freedom from physical coercion or such.
    Or to put it another way, yet again from Ayn Rand:
    "a right is the moral sanction of a positive - of his freedom to act on his own judgement..."

    Now if one accepts this definition of right, as most of the people on this blog do, then it is pretty hard to stretch it so that a horse has rights, as what sort of "freedom to act on his judgement" can a horse be said to have?

    OPPPS i just realised that my last post contains half of DenMTs comment, which I inserted so it would be easier to comment on...OPPPSS..that was a little stupid.

  18. Green MP Sue Kedgley thinks that cockroaches & snails have rights, such as a natural habitat. That is why the Greens are opposing the relocation of the rare snails in the South Island.

  19. All the wailing and gnashing of teeth over this fails to grasp the enormous hypocrisy of those supporting imprisoning this woman:

    1. If the animal has rights, it surely has the right to life - in which case you can join the animal rights movement and campaign to ban the entire meat industry. It is apparently fine to truck millions of animals to line up to get electrocuted and dissected, but throw in prison the woman fondling the horse's cock!

    The answer to this is the Dutch approach, don't ban bestiality, but enforce laws on cruelty and let the court sort it out.

    2. It is curious that there is such outrage for the animal, but the people involved who are "sad" should be thrown in prison. Curious that compassion is stronger for creatures who don't know compassion, and who may not feel any pain.

  20. libertyscott said...
    [...fondling the horse's cock!]

    I thought it was a female horse.

  21. Hear, hear, Scott.

    And don't worry about Mr Ed, PC ... he's a little hoarse.

    (Oh, come on. I had to!) :)

  22. I find it distinctly disturbing that for two days now this discussion of bestiality has been the most popular thread.

    Has the market spoken? ;^)

  23. Sex, naked women, animals many people love, scandal...

    it is why The Sun sells.

    Timeout magazine in London has a reporter who is experienced as well, a little bird tells me.

  24. .. a little bird tells me.

    No, Scott. Please. I draw the line at poultry.

    (Damn feathers).

  25. Kane, you have been thinking about this too much.

    Actually I barely thought about it at all. it took me just 3 seconds to think up that comment. In fact the act disgusts me. But not for the normal reasons. What disgusts me is that she chose an animal over a human.

    My vegetarian-ness stems from a belief that I can lead my life without undue cruelty.

    Killing an animal for food isn't "cruelty". It is survival. We need some of the nutrients in meat. it is a part of our natural. Besides would you call it cruel for a lion to kill for food?

    but I can't countenance a world-view whereby animals have no rights other than what their human owners see fit to grant them.

    No, owners don't instill rights in animals. Animals never have rights. It is the property rights of the owners that matter.

    The idea that the causing of pain and suffering in other animals is fine as animal rights have no 'intrinsic value' might parse fine through the libertarian 'rationalist' doctrines, but in real life it just seems a bit cold.

    Truly rational people think of inflicting pain and suffering of animals is immoral, due to the fact the enjoying the suffering of others is immoral. The thing is that animals can be killed without pain and suffering.

    Kane you are a pig, and may another animal molest you in the dead of night

    No I am a rational human who, unlike you, lives in the real world.

    Clearly you do not understand that rights is something that applies to rational beings with a violitional consciousness (yes I know I cannot spell tonight). Do horses fight into this category? I think not. Does a horse have the right to not be killed and eaten? Nope it does not.


    it is pretty hard to force a horse to engage in such acts...

    More than just hard, it is impossible. A horse will kick you if you try that. And that hurts a lot.

    PC, You may feel inadequate if you were her next partner, but please do not presume to speak for all males.

    No human male could possibly have one that big!

    Dwayne, you're going to have to argue a bit harder than that if you are going to convince me that it is fine to do whatever you like to animals, them being 'devoid of rights' and all.

    He never said doing whatever you want is fine! Did you not read his comment that animal abuse is wrong? Were you reading/remembering selectively as usual?

    A good start would be explaining what 'volitional consciousness' might be when it's at home, and how not possessing it is carte-blanche for torture.

    Volitional consciousness means a mind capable of deliberate thought and free will. Animals do not classify as such. Only humans do.

    Green MP Sue Kedgley thinks that cockroaches & snails have rights, such as a natural habitat. That is why the Greens are opposing the relocation of the rare snails in the South Island.

    Yeah they are a bit stupid like that. Even humans don't have such a right let alone snails and cockroaches. Humans only have the right to live, not a particular place to live bar property rights in relation to a house and land they have rightfully obtained.

    besides if the animal has rights, which it doesn't, it has the right to participate if any partner it wants to, even a human.


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