Thursday 14 December 2006

Another success story

Congratulations to Geoff Ross and the team at 42 Below who, as you've probably heard, have been bought by Bacardi for $138 million.

A good product, aggressive and imaginative marketing, and a willingness to get out there and take on the world have brought due reward.

Good on them.

RELATED: Beer & Elsewhere, New Zealand


  1. Absolutely !!

    I'll drink to their success.

  2. I bet that the likes of Matt McCarten, Keith Locke, John Minto and all the lefties, will have something negative to say about this sales. May be, something like that overseas corporate greed companies are exploiting our business innovations, etc, etc, etc. It is predictable that the society's unproductives as I have mentioned above , will always find some fault somewhere in the affairs of the productives. A few weeks ago, Matt McCarten criticized Michael Erceg of Independent Liquor for unfair (intended) distribution of his wealth to his workers, where his company, is now been sold for over a billion dollars.

  3. Party time! Anyone have any 42 Belows? :-)

    Well, FF, most of NZ seems to hate NZ assets being sold to overseas people, as I am sure you are aware.

  4. Kane,

    It was not NZ's asset, it was some NZ'ers asset. They were free to sell to whoever they like, they built it, they can sell it.

    Good luck to them.

  5. Definitely a win. I still have yet to try the Seven Tiki Rum - Souths Gin is a must for summer gin and tonics (anyone that complains about it being too herbaceous is just soft).


  6. George, what I mean by "NZ assets" is assets owned by NZers so you are only "correcting" me to what I already meant.

    They were free to sell to whoever they like, they built it, they can sell it.

    Good luck to them.

    I know! I support that. It's called voluntary trade or the free market. The point was most NZers do not.

    So no one has any 42 Below for the party? I'd be happy to pay for what I consumed. ;-)

  7. "George, what I mean by "NZ assets" is assets owned by NZers so you are only "correcting" me to what I already meant."

    Well, if you meant it Kane, why didn't you say it? It is up to you to get your ideas accross succinctly, not leave it up to your audiece to try and parse what you might mean.


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