Sunday 19 November 2006

Our Bible reading for today

Let's see what words of wisdom the Bible has for us today. Opening my Skeptics' Annotated Bible almost at random I find:
For the whole house of Ahab shall perish: and I will cut off from Ahab him that pisseth against the wall.--2 Kings 9:8
Ah. And so entertaining as well. It really is good advice to stay home and read your Bible. And you could read your Mark Twain as well, who had this to say on they that pisseth against walls:
"A person could piss against a tree, he could piss on his mother, he could piss on his own breeches, and get off, but he must not piss against the wall -- that would be going quite too far. The origin of the divine prejudice against this humble crime is not stated; but we know that the prejudice was very strong -- so strong that nothing but a wholesale massacre of the people inhabiting the region where the wall was defiled could satisfy the Deity." -- Mark Twain, Letters from the Earth
God, as they say, moves in mysterious ways.

LINKS: Skeptics' Annotated Bible

RELATED: Religion, Nonsense


  1. A cynic might say "The Lord" (him upstairs) has an unhealthy interest in these type of things - and a particularly unhealthy interest in foreskins in general - (which is odd as it must have been a design fault)... but really, I couldn't possibly comment.

  2. I find it useful when someone quotes a verse from the Bible to support a particular point of view, to read the verses preceding and following the quoted verse. It puts everything into context.

  3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  4. Mark,

    Yeah SAB is just someone's idea of a bit of a laugh. I've never heard of a biblical or literary scholar taking any of their work seriously.

    - fvyec

  5. The way of saying male in Hebrew is "someone who pisses against the wall." It's just a literal translation.

    How do you piss pc? I still piss against the wall, still quite common in NZ.

  6. Don't forget immoral ways PC! Or at least he would if he existed. But since he doesn't exist he doesn't move in any way. Non-existant beings tend to be bad at moving.


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