Sunday 8 September 2024

The best way to improve the world is to improve your *self*

"All individuals are faced with the problem of whom to improve, themselves or others. Their aim, it seems to me, should be to affect their own unfolding, the upgrading of their own consciousness, in short, self-perfection. Those who don’t even try or, when trying, find self-perfection too difficult, usually seek to expend their energy on others. Their energy has to find some target. Those who succeed in directing their energy inward—particularly if they be blessed with great energy, like Goethe, for instance—become moral leaders. Those who fail to direct their energy inward and let it manifest itself externally—particularly if they be of great energy, like Napoleon, for instance—become immoral leaders. Those who refuse to rule themselves are usually bent on ruling others. Those who can rule themselves usually have no interest in ruling others."
~ Leonard Read, from his 1962 book Elements of Libertarian Leadership [hat tip Jon Miltmore's post 'The Roman Philosopher Who Taught Jerry Seinfeld the Key to Success and Happiness']

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