Tuesday 10 September 2024

"Kamala Harris is dead wrong. Freedom is not the right to vote."

"Kamala Harris held an August 2024 interview on CNN in which she ... [voiced] her reactionary core belief that voting is our most important right. ... [This is a] fundamentally anti-American orientation. ...
    "In the words of America’s Founding legal document, the Declaration of Independence,
'We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.--That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed . . . [my emphasis]'
"Note the hierarchy. Governments don’t create rights. They secure our rights, which are thus unalienable. Note that the right to vote comes into view only after the institution of government, as implied in “the consent of the governed.”
    "[Harris's] Democratic Party holds the opposite principle—that rights come from the government ...
    "Harris is dead wrong. Freedom is not the right to vote. Freedom is the right to live one’s life by one’s own choices and values, regardless of anyone else’s vote or of the outcome of any election. Any government, including an elected government, that grants and rescinds rights at will is a totalitarian state. The Founders sought to protect individual rights from tyrannical government, whether autocratic, aristocratic, or democratic—or as James Madison put it, the one, the few, or the many. Harris seeks to obliterate that protection. And it’s a premise that dates back to the founding of her party
    "So much for Harris’s vaunted value of 'freedom.' .... She was never, and is not now, a champion of freedom, properly understood. Without inalienable individual rights, no freedom is possible. Remember that in the United States of America, we’re not free because we vote. We vote because we are free."
~ Mike LaFerrara, from his post 'Harris's Unchanged anti-American Values'

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