Thursday 1 August 2024

"At the moment the only kind of Net-Zero-flying is not to fly at all."

"Air New Zealand announced this week that it would not be able to cut its carbon emissions by 29% by 2030. The levers were 'outside their control,' they lamented, which was the polite way of saying there isn’t enough sustainable jet fuel in the world, electric planes die after a few weeks, and no one has invented a low emissions plane yet. At the moment the only kind of Net-Zero-flying is not to fly at all.
    "Current supplies of sacred sustainable fuel are rapidly growing but barely 0.5% of total requirements. Even though production is expected to triple this year to 1.5 Mt of Sustainable Aviation Fuel, the industry needs 200 times what is currently available. ...
    "'In a statement the airline said it was removing its 2030 carbon intensity reduction target and will withdraw from the Science Based Targets initiative.' This is the sound of the free market saying 'It’s a stupid idea.' ...
    "Of course, if customers thought the world was really going to end they might be willing to pay for expensive fuels to prevent that. But no one really believes it. ...
    "Meanwhile in Australia ... 'a survey of more than 500 companies from Schneider Electric — the biggest adviser of Australian commercial power users — says 28 per cent have no intention of meeting their Paris Agreement commitments. A further 42 per cent say they have not begun decarbonising their operations [18 per cent did not know where to start, while almost a quarter did not consider it a priority]' ...
    "That’s a 70% failure rate."

~ Jo Nova from her post 'And the flavour of the month is “failure”'

1 comment:

  1. I'll be waiting to have a laugh about any journalists following up on this as they battle with two competing, almost mutually exclusive narratives:

    1) Damaging Chris Luxon by bailing him up about this failure in "his" airline and whether the National government will be forced to make the same decision.

    2) Damaging Net Zero and other Climate Change-related beliefs.

    I'm guessing they'll leave Luxon alone on this because 2) is more important than 1), and they'll be plenty of other things they can hit Luxon on between now and 2026.


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