Tuesday, 30 June 2015

Your ticket, your business #scalping

There’s been outrage –outrage! – about folk scalping their tickets for the Super 15 final.

Some folk are proposing “solutions.”

I say –as I’ve always said – that it’s your ticket, your business.


Daniel A said...

it's sad how event organizers have yet to use variable prices just like hotels and airlines to fix prices to meet demand. Ideally you would want to sell the last ticket in the very last minute before the event. If your event is selling out long before the event, you have completely failed at pricing, for demand to meet supply.

Anonymous said...

Guess the problem is that profiteers are maxing out on the tickets they can buy , with not intention of actually using the tickets. This forces out people who legitimately wish to go to the game. It is a shady business , legitimate, but a bit nasty.

MarkT said...

@Anon - The profiteers only do that because the tickets are obviously under-priced in the first place. If they weren't then there'd be no money to be made by buying and reselling. It's similar to blaming house price rises on speculation. The speculation only occurs because there's an expectation prices will rise and there's profit to be made. Complaining about speculators or profiteers in these situations confuses cause with effect.

Ben said...

You are missing the point. Sporting events are meant to be for all fans; not just the richest ones. Otherwise all tickets would be auctioned off.

It's a decision for team owners: do they want opportunistic cunts price gouging their team's genuine fans or not.