Monday 21 December 2009

Phonics farm gets well-deserved Christmas cheer

171209NZHPEFARM2_460x230 Hey, great to see that the Reading for Rascals programme at Windy Ridge Boys Farm, run by the heroic Graham & Joan Crawshaw, has won a donation to help upgrade the camp—and that the Herald has featured them this morning.

Sure, it’s only a small donation, but Graham and Joan (right) are people who can do an awful lot with very little.

In the forty-five years they’ve been running reading & adventure camps for troublesome boys, armed ‘only’ with passion, reason, good reading strategies and barely a shoestring to rub together, they’ve put literally thousands on the path to a better life.

If you’re looking for a place to make a donation this Christmas, then Graham & Joan’s Arapahoe Bush Camp Trust gets my seal of approval.

1 comment:

  1. Thankyou for the mention PC. There is much work to be done at Windy Ridge to get facilities up to a standard that can handle more attendees. Some donations have come in. Merry Christmas to you all!


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