Tuesday 1 December 2009

Anna Woolf, aka Annie Fox [update 4]

I have very sad news about our lovely friend Anna Woolf, who as many of you will know has been blogging for the past year as Annie Fox – blogging about life, love and her battle with cancer.
The very sad news is that the cancer has almost won.
Anna is now in Auckland Hospital, about to transfer to the Mercy Hospice on College Hill (space permitting), with friends and family gathered around.
If you’d like to say something to Anna while you still can, then please do feel you can post a comment here which we can print out and read to her. 
And as for bloggers drinks on Thursday, about which Anna was always so keen, it’s been suggested we meet up this time at The Cavalier, which is directly opposite the Mercy Hospice, and maybe (nurses permitting) one or two can head across to say goodbye.
Anna Woolf

UPDATE 4: Funeral time and location confirmed: 2pm this Saturday, December 5th, at North Harbour Stadium’s function centre.  Come along and pay your respects. All welcome.


  1. All my best wishes and kind thoughts are with you Anna.

  2. Damn, that is sad news. Annie, your attitude & approach has been nothing less than admirable & courageous. And you can pay my tab anytime. :)


  3. I'm thinking of you Anna.

  4. Anna, I'm very sad to hear how things are going. I will always remember your courage in the face of adversity. Best wishes.


  5. Anna I've only known you a short time but it feels like longer. Your example through your illness has been inspirational, your strength of character has shone through it all.

    You are in my heart and my thoughts and prayers.

  6. How terrible :-(

    Like everyone else who's met you over the past few years your courage and humour and resilience has been exemplary. You beat the odds for this long, it's just such a bloody shame you couldn't beat them all.

  7. PC, you and many lovers of freedom and rationality have lost a true friend! My thoughts are with you and her other friends and family.

    Chris Robertson.

  8. Anna's blog was a relatively recent discovery for me.

    I have known her only through her writing and through that I came to admire her courage, honesty and humour.

    Trying desperately to avoid a cliche in search of words of comfort for Anna and those who love her, I came across this from Joyce Grenfell:

    If I should go before the rest of you,
    Break not a flower nor inscribe a stone;
    Nor when I'm gone speak in a Sunday voice,
    But be your usual selves that I have known.
    Weep if you must,
    parting is hell.
    But life goes on,
    So sing as well.

  9. My darling mother died December 28th last year in the hospice.

    Annie will be very well looked after. I don't know the lady, but commend you and your Auckland readers who get together on her behalf.

  10. Sean Fitzpatrick1 Dec 2009, 14:57:00

    Do not go gently into the dark night: rage, rage against the dieing of the light.

  11. Annie, I'm so sad to hear this. Your blogs were so wonderful and uplifting, and it's a little odd to realise that I never actually met you. Go well, Annie.

    Homepaddock says it well. All my love xxx

    Thanks for letting us know, PC.

  12. Thank's for updating us PC.

    To Anna, you have the most wonderful loyal, steadfast friends who will be with you whenever you need them - but only because people like you bloody-well deserve good friends. I salute you and those loving friends who will miss you sorely.

  13. Like Homepaddock, I only know you through your blog Anna, and I never know what to say at times like these. Thanks for your musings, I've really enjoyed following them, and you're one fun lady. All the best, as trite as that seems.

  14. Sad news, great sort, Anna. And you have been beating the odds.


  15. Dear Anna

    As a blogger (at No Minister) you can rest assured that at least in the blogosphere we will fight your good fights for years to come.

    God Bless and thanks for your great work.

    Kia Kaha.

  16. Thanks for the fun you provided with your blogging.

    I checked in daily and really enjoyed your comments.

    My prayers are with you

    Blue Coast

  17. Chin up Annie, was one of the highlights of my year to finally meet you and so glad that we did.

    All the best to you and especially to your friends and family with you.

    On the bright side, you won't have to suffer the rest of this John Key do-nothing government :).

    Hope you got through most of the bucket list, if not tell PC and we will finish it off for you!

  18. I'm sorry I never got to meet you in person!

  19. I wrote a piece a while back- When I use it I will put a dedication in the book.


  20. Anna, you've lived, bugger that you're not getting more time to do more. While it is natural for others to feel sad, know it is because you were just being yourself, and living in the face of that which scares so many.

    Whatever you do with your remaining time, damned well make sure it's something that makes you smile. Don't sacrifice a minute of your time :)

  21. Not sure if you remember me, but I'll always remember you. Big hugs, Deborah Coddington

  22. Bless you Anna. We never met but I loved your blog.

    Keep loving - when all else is gone - it's all that's left.


  23. That is very sad news. Annie, it's a great loss to all of us for such a courageous and kind person to leave in this way. You will never be forgotten.


  24. Anna, your courage is inspirational. I had reason to spend a month visiting in the Mercy Hospice earlier this year. It's a wonderful place and you'll be well looked after.

    Thinking of you.

  25. hey annie, we only met once at galbraiths but we always knew you as a good right thinking chick Love your fight and spunk. Sean Fitz says rage against the dying of the night. Yip but dont just rage - kick it up the arse on the way out! See you on the tide good girl.

  26. If you leave us Anna know you will be missed, your fight and spirt imspire us to hold to the values and ideals you stood for.

    Your life is a blessing in so many ways.

  27. I've never met you Annie, but your blog is inspiring. You're so brave and you have definitely left your mark on the world. You're in my prayers.


  28. Hi Annie, met you twice and thought you had your shit sorted.

    I enjoyed out chats, arguments and agreements.

    My thoughts and prayers go out to you, even though we disagreed on that too.

    Go well, you ahve left a wonderful legacy

  29. You set the bar very high Annie. Great humour and great dignity.

  30. Sorry to hear the sad news, Anna, Your articles on your blog leave a positive lasting impression for us all.
    Thank you for being who you are.
    I hope you have lived well.

  31. Very sad to hear the news, have enjoyed reading your bon mots, bless you

  32. Hi Anna

    We met just once at Bloggers' drinks at Galbraiths. You made a damn good fist of it, Anna - and continue to do so.
    I have enjoyed your writings so much - but more than that your indomitable fighting spirit.
    Best wishes to you and your family and treasured friends.
    I cheer you on from the sidelines.
    Fran O'Sullivan

  33. Dear Anna,
    Even though I'm a flithy pinko I still loved your writing and have followed your blog for the last year or so.

    Best wishes to you and your family.

    *cyper hugs*

  34. Anna Woolf - A Sense of Life

    That's what I got from your writing.

  35. Anna, all the best. Thanks very much for your blog and honesty!


  36. I only knew you through your opinions but they demonstrated your courage more than any act. Thanks.

  37. Anna

    Thinking of you. Thankyou for your blog in particular. You've showed us fellow bloggers how to live and laugh and rant at the world through your blog.
    A real inspiration. We'll all live little richer because of that.

  38. Yeah, bloody sad alright – hideous disease and we should do our utmost to find a cure – stop this misery – painful soul searching (not a good choice of phrase given my blog persona) every-time we are confronted with ‘nice people’ suffering its ravages.

    Stem-cells/genetic medicine offers us so-much hope a future generation will relegate cancer to the history books in the same way we now look back on smallpox, here in N.Z.

    It reminds me to give my annual donation to The Malaghan Institute who are doing sterling-work here in N.Z towards a cure via research into human immune systems.

    Sadly N.Z Government doesn’t see the Malaghan Institutes work as worthy of tax-payers funding (versus say Americas Cup and Hip-hop fact-finding missions) so The Institute has to rely on public benefactors.

    Give generously – it’s a way of doing some real good, rather than feeling helpless at time like this.

    Thoughts go out to Annie and to everyone who shares her pain.



  39. Wow, I just went to your blog today to check. Was over at Home Paddock's and saw her post and came here to leave a message. So thank you PC.

    Annie, I echo what the others have said. What courage, dignity, humour and spirit you have shown.

    And I think Busted Blonde hit the nail on the head when she said, 'Kick it up the the arse on the way out.'

    Keep on kicking.

  40. Thanks for your comments, everyone.

    Her friends and family have been, and are, reading them.

    Thanks you all for your thoughts at this time.

  41. I was encouraged to come here by @bernardhickey on Twitter...well to Annie's blog and read down the page - even left a comment about the bloody T-towels and feel so very sad that she has left us.Buggar!
    Her life has had great impact and I am pleased that her pain is over.
    My thoughts are with her friends and family,

  42. Anna. Never met you - read you often. Sounds like we have lost a great one. My thoughts to those dear left behind.

  43. Dear Anna, it's been at least 15 years since I caught up with you. Had always wondered what you were up to.... I wish I had taken the time .......... My thoughts are with your family and friends. Next time I have a G and T it will be in your honor. Rest in Peace x Caroline

  44. Thanks PC. I wish I could find the words as well as you did. Axis of Benevolence.


We welcome thoughtful disagreement.
But we do (ir)regularly moderate comments -- and we *will* delete any with insulting or abusive language. Or if they're just inane. It’s okay to disagree, but pretend you’re having a drink in the living room with the person you’re disagreeing with. This includes me.
PS: Have the honesty and courage to use your real name. That gives added weight to any opinion.