Thursday 19 November 2009

‘The Rumour’ - Joop Moesman (1941) [updated]


This work by Dutch painter Joop Moesman was voted third best “most beautiful Dutch nude” recently. You’ll be unsurprised to learn that Moesman had leanings towards the surrealist school.

It reminds me of a good Capuletti.

UPDATE: Those asking themselves the obvious question, “So if this was third best, what were numbers one and two,” can see the two other beauties here and here -- first and second respectively, as elected by the Riijksmuseum in July this year.


    by Jeremy Josephs

    Tony Bennett left his in San Francisco.

    Cilla Black said that anyone who had one would take her in his arms and love her too.

    But Christiaan Barnard trumped them all by removing the heart of a young car crash victim and inserting it into the chest of an extremely grateful recipient, a certain Louis Washkansky.

    True, the world’s first heart transplant patient only lived for 18 days – but that was enough to propel Barnard into medical history and ensure his place as the most famous doctor in the world.

    The daring of that pioneering surgery was performed some 35 years ago – and yet Barnard has barely been out of the limelight ever since.

    Which naturally prompts one to ask a rather obvious question – why?


    I was fully expecting this interview to take place at an academic institution.

    Or perhaps in the august setting of the Royal College of Surgeons in London.

    But in the event Barnard’s agent informed me that I should make my way to the Costaripa Winery, nestling in the hills above Lake Gardia in northern Italy.

    Needless to say I leapt at the opportunity - but nevertheless felt obliged to ask obvious question number 2.

    “You are a South African living in Austria. I am an Englishman living in France. And yet here we are meeting at a vineyard in Italy. Why?”


    All rights belong to Jeremy Josephs.

    Permission is granted to make and distribute complete verbatim electronic copies of this item for non-commercial purposes provided the copyright information and this permission notice are preserved on all copies. All other rights reserved. To correspond with the author, send email to

    Comments welcome.

    Jeremy Josephs can be reached on the Web at:

  2. Sean Fitzpatrick19 Nov 2009, 09:03:00

    The obvious question is what was voted second and first most beautiful then?

  3. @ Shari: “You are a South African living in Austria. I am an Englishman living in France. And yet here we are meeting at a vineyard in Italy. Why?”
    Because drinking wine and nude bicycling are beneficial to the heart.

  4. @Monsieur: Yes, I believe you're on to something there. :-)

  5. Hello Monsieur,

    I trust you read the entire article before posting your astute comment.

    Drinking red wine in the company of fine minds undoubtedly contributes positively towards one's health. Both body and mind.

    Performing all manner of exercise whilst naked however, has its limitations.

    Certainly, one of its benefits is reducing laundry costs.

    Still, I don't think taxpayers will wear construction costs for naked cycle lanes and non-naked cycle lanes.

    I suspect though that cyclists will rid themselves of opposition if they were to all cycle naked.

  6. Nude cycling would be safer for the cyclist, but maybe more hazardous for motorists and pedestrians.

  7. Forget about looking to the skies for changes in weather. We're feeling the chill down here. And it ain't coming from lack of sun. It's coming from reading about what's going on in the US.

    I heard Bill O'Reilly asking the other day "Is Obama the devil?"

    Can't remember who he put the question to; guess the explicit question threw my mind for the rest of the programme.

    How would anyone answer that question?

    Where IS he anyway? In Asia still? Whatchoo doin' brother?

    Lee Cary writes in the American Thinker:

    "It's also clear that there's not much we citizens can do about it until the 2010 elections. For now, we hunker down and watch the train wreck in slow motion. This is not defeatism. It's reality, for now."

    The good news is that there are Americans "messaging each other, tapping out . . . _ _ _ . . . to the like-minded regardless of any political party proclivity, any status in life or community, any vocation, any color, anything. Their names are Legion, for there are many of them. And their numbers are growing."

    More power to them, I say. Question now is: When will the rumbling turn into thunder?


We welcome thoughtful disagreement.
But we do (ir)regularly moderate comments -- and we *will* delete any with insulting or abusive language. Or if they're just inane. It’s okay to disagree, but pretend you’re having a drink in the living room with the person you’re disagreeing with. This includes me.
PS: Have the honesty and courage to use your real name. That gives added weight to any opinion.