Monday 23 November 2009

Quote of the day: Stephen Fry on blog comments

    _quote I don't know about you but whenever I read a blog I do not let my eye drop below half the screen in case I accidentally hit the bit where the comments reside. Of all the stinking, sliding, scuttling, weird, entomological creatures that inhabit the floor of the internet those comments on blogs are the most unbearable, almost beyond imagining.
    Their resentment, their desire to be heard at the most vituperative level, at the most unpleasant and malevolent, genuinely ill-willed malevolent, level is terrifying.”
                                       - Stephen Fry

Care to comment anyone? ;^)


  1. "Their resentment, their desire to be heard at the most vituperative level, at the most unpleasant and malevolent, genuinely ill-willed malevolent, level is terrifying."

    Fry has undertaken what he describes himself- in the top half of the screen.


  2. Must be getting intolerant in his dotage!


  3. I disagree very strongly. I know what SF means. We all know the troll-infested bile-fests. They are unfortunate. The comments are one of the main reasons I frequent a blog. It's through discussing what is posted, agreeing, disagreeing, analysing, speculating, that we broaden our own knowledge, test our own opinions, and generally develop a deeper understanding of any issue and of each other as people.

    Of course, there are always those who bring everyone down. They don't seek knowledge, just the belittlement of others for their own amusement. Their opinions are ill formed, yet set in stone. They are abusive, foul-mouthed, elitist, and generally unpleasant just for the sake of being so.

    I guess Stephen was having a bad day.

  4. Ah, the evolution of social electronic media. What will it look like in five years? Predictions anyone?

  5. So - Redbaiter visits HIS blog too eh!

  6. Fry's comment smells of resentment.
    Resentment of the fact that anyone, from crank to genius can have their say; unsterilised by an editor, un-vasectomised by the MSM, uncoupled from the control of an opressive groupthink and unfettered by the likes of common niceties as in having to keep your trap shut while the Steven Frys' of this earth pontificate alone.

    Dear Steven, Get Stuffed. Have a nice day.


  7. The only thing I can think of saying is "inb4 hamburglar porn"


We welcome thoughtful disagreement.
But we do (ir)regularly moderate comments -- and we *will* delete any with insulting or abusive language. Or if they're just inane. It’s okay to disagree, but pretend you’re having a drink in the living room with the person you’re disagreeing with. This includes me.
PS: Have the honesty and courage to use your real name. That gives added weight to any opinion.