Tuesday 14 December 2021

Emigration again?

“My view [says economist Tony Alexander*] is when the borders open a generation of young Kiwis will depart our shores for Australia for the higher wages on offer and lower cost of living, and to embrace some freedom after two years being locked up.”


* Hat tip Bob Jones.


Mark Hubbard said...

I think that's right. Bob Jones is say our population could move down to 4million (from memory). Will solve the housing crisis I guess (snark), but will be a disaster, as well as a menace for those of us left, as there will be a much smaller tax base to pay an increasing interest bill on the Covid years profligacy. It's not a nice story coming, and if the current govt remains their 'remedy', that is higher tax, will make it all worse. I have no idea what the answers are anymore, however, I'm worried.

Tom Hunter said...

Certainly how my three kids are feeling, and it's not just housing and jobs. They've now had two years to see what their fellow Kiwis are like. Fortunately they're US citizens so they have a shot at real freedom, plus a better shot at making a life.