Wednesday 20 November 2013

How to succeed at self-sabotage…

It’s not easy to work against your own happiness. The trick, it seems, is to really relish being miserable.

Some people act as if they just want to be miserable, and they succeed remarkably at inviting misery into their lives, even though they get little apparent benefit from it, since being miserable doesn’t help them find lovers and friends, get better jobs, make more money, or go on more interesting vacations. Why do they do this? After perusing the output of some of the finest brains in the therapy profession, I’ve come to the conclusion that misery is an art form, and the satisfaction people seem to find in it reflects the creative effort required to cultivate it. In other words, when your living conditions are stable, peaceful, and prosperous—no civil wars raging in your streets, no mass hunger, no epidemic disease, no vexation from poverty—making yourself miserable is a craft all its own, requiring imagination, vision, and ingenuity. It can even give life a distinctive meaning.
    So if you aspire to make yourself miserable, what are the best, most proven techniques for doing it?

To learn how to hone your misery skills, read on for The 14 Habits of Highly Miserable People.

Who know, you may have already become a master at many of them without even working at it!

[Hat tips: Dr Michael Hurd & Sean Fitzpatrick. Photo Credit:]

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