Wednesday 16 October 2013

Who does the US Govt owe?

Here’s everybody the US Government owes money to, in one simple graphic.


Oh, and here’s the US Debt Clock. It just keeps ticking. Note, if you will, the unfunded liabilities…


Shane Pleasance said...

1,000,000,000,000 = trillion
16,000,000,000,000 = 16 trillion


Does not look like much on paper.
Which is all it is, really.

Shane Pleasance said...

Debt per taxpayer in the US - nearly $150 000?
Sweet mother of Galt.

tm said...

To be honest thanks to America to keep the économies of the world going, no?
I mean they are putting money all over the world and places?

Mr Lineberry said...

Are you sure about these numbers? I mean the 'Foreign' figure (if I am reading this correctly) is $5 trillion, is that correct? (it seems a lot lower than I would have expected).

One thing about this whole debate which annoys me, due to its childishness, is the focus on the $6 trillion or so which the Government owes to itself; if my investment company lends money to my publishing company is my publishing company really in debt? (come on, don't be silly).

But it does make chilling reading whether the true figure is $10 trillion (which I think it is) or $16 trillion and I hope the liberal Democrats are proud of themselves.

Heisenbug said...

There's a bit of a lie in there. The Federal Reserve is not part of the Government, but rather a private concern owned by a consortium of bankers. That's $2.1B owed not to the (federal) Government, but to a private third party. And if you believe they won't want to pick up the interest and capital then you've missed all the lessons of the "bail-outs" since Lehman.

rivoniaboy said...

This is not going to end well!