Monday 28 October 2024

"The right has to invent preposterous stories, in order to justify an anti-immigrant pogrom." [updated[

"'Anyone who is in the United States illegally is subject to deportation,' he declared during his campaign, pledging to restore the notorious Eisenhower-era program Operation Wetback, which rounded up Mexicans and ejected them from the country.
    "Since assuming office, Trump has doubled down on his calls to build a wall on the southern border. He has tried to ban travel from several Muslim-majority countries, backed a plan to slash family-based immigration, and demanded 'extreme vetting' of all foreigners.
    "[T]he most insidious weapon in Trump's anti-immigration arsenal is 'interior enforcement.' ... It involves cleansing the country of the 11 million unauthorised aliens settled inside America by targeting them wherever they live or work. ...
    "There is no way for the government to conduct the policy equivalent of drone strikes and cleanly remove millions of immigrants from the midst of America without major collateral damage to everyone's rights. Interior enforcement is more like carpet bombing; its effectiveness depends on decimating Americans' liberties."

~ Shikha Dalmia from her post 'How Immigration Crackdowns Screw Up Americans' Lives'
But, but, it's really straightforward to navigate the snakes and ladders of immigration. I find it really "amusing" ...  


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Illegal immigrants are queue jumpers - there is a lawful process for entry. Any State has the right to manage its borders, so I find these posts quite amusing. Illegal migrants are causing huge problems for US citizens...

Southern border control is imperative for the US not just to stop illegal entry but also to combat CCP fentanol flooding US streets

A deportation program will be wildly popular inside the US as much as globalist no border advocates will hate it.

Want to enter the US apply legally like everyone else